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Carpenter's Tools


Integrity, Reliability, Professionalism

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Using my years of expertise in carpentry, I’m here to turn ideas into reality and am thrilled to assist you in designing your dream product. If you have a specific bespoke project in mind, don't hesitate to get in touch. You'll find all of my contact details below.

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21 Shuna Place,
G20 9ED


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Carpenter at Work


Since I was a child I have been drawn towards how everything was put together, asking my mother for tools for Christmas as a 7 year old was a sign of the future for me. As I got older and travelled to other countries I always noticed the way they all had different styles of carpentry, wood carving and furniture design.

I studied stringed instrument making for two years and produced two classical guitars of my own design. The whole process gave me an insight as to what can be achieved with patience, vision and respect for the tools of the trade. It equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to work to a very fine level and this is what I bring to everything I now make. I am always learning, changing how I work and seeking new styles and ways of working.

The vast majority of my work is commission based and I often find myself working on the more creative projects after people have struggled to find someone willing to work their ideas out with them. No matter how big or small your project is please get in touch with me to chat about it.

In the meantime, have a look through the gallery at some of my past projects, have a browse through the shop at some of the smaller things I make and give me a call or get in touch through the contact form with any questions or ideas. Thanks!


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"The things we know the best are the things we haven't been taught"

Luc de Clapiers

Carpenter Assembling Newly Made Windows
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